Workout of the Weekend

Hey friends I am going to try something new today. With all of our work on our Kill Cliff project I have been in the mood of working out so I am going to go over a quick workout that you can do over the weekend. I’ll post how long it took me to complete then if anyone wants to try it they can post their time too in the comments section. Also if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask.

Warmup: 2 mile run

Upper Body:

2 min max pushups, 2×50 pushups, 3×20 diamond pushups, 3×15 dive bomber pushups, 100 4-count mountain climbers


2×50 sit-ups, 2×50 leg levers, 2×30 atomic sit-ups, 2×50 4-count flutter kicks, 2×40 extended leg crunches, 2x40scissors, 2×20 4-count bicycles

Lower Body:

400m bear crawl, 50 lunges, 50 squat jumps, 50 body builders


3×12 regular pullups, 2×6 wide grip pullups, 2×10 chin-ups, 2×6 close grip, 4×15 dips

Then finish off with a 4 mile run.

If you cannot do all of these movements or reps scale it back to what you can do. Also make sure you stretch out before and after.

All together this takes about 1 hour to do.

Good luck


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