Stumble stumble stumble

My first stumble this week was

20 Dumbbell Exercises Complete with Animated Diagrams

This was a cool informational article and workout page. They had a lot of new ideas and you can check out how to do them with the animations next to them.

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I am going to try some of these at the gym this weekend. I’m sure Fitfridays (Morgan) and Hunter Edens will be up for the challenge.

Shiritori Game

I stumbled on this one and was a little confused at first but after playing around with it for a little it was pretty cool. Shiritori is a Japanese game where you make up words with begin with the last letter of the word your opponent plays. You have 10 seconds to play the word and the faster you do it the more points you get for your word. You play starting at 125 points and you count down to the first person to zero wins.

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Here is the link, give the game a try. It took me 4 times on medium before I could win.

Why We Fight

The last stumble I landed on was from the Players Tribune. It was an article by Brandon Prust, who plays in the NHL and is a “enforcer” or a fighter that protects his teammates. It is a really cool article and the Playerrs Tribune is a really interesting website so I would give it a look.


2 thoughts on “Stumble stumble stumble

  1. Wow Brendan! What a great idea for a blog. I haven’t used Stumble Upon in years, but you’ve inspired me to check it out again. It’s definitely cool how the website monitors you’re interests. They really get to know you before throwing random posts your way. For example, instead of brain games and athletics, I stumble on funny animal videos and fashion tips. I did try out the game though. You’re much better at it than I am! Way to go!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve found your blog to be entertaining. As far as breweries go…I have been to the Outer Banks Brewery and Liberty (of course). Additionally, I’ve been to nearly all of the breweries mentioned in Austin, Texas since I went to school there for 5 years. And…I really enjoy the Shiritori game – something for me to do while I wait for all my friends to take their turns in Words with Friends! I love those types of games.


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